93 B2B Lead Generation Strategies for 2020

Leads are the backbone of every B2B business. Here’s an extensive list of how you can generate leads, grow your business and get closer to achieving your business goals.

Everything B2B marketers do is an attempt to appeal to their target audience and generate leads. No wonder 85% of B2B marketers say that lead generation is a top priority.

Generating leads is not a one-time project. From grabbing your audience’s attention and converting them into a lead to nurturing them and moving them down the sales funnel – lead generation takes effective planning and effort.

We’ve broken this guide down into six key sections –

  1. Website Optimization
  2. Email Marketing
  3. Content Marketing
  4. Online Advertising
  5. Social Media
  6. Others

Here are 93 ways B2B companies can generate leads, grow their business and get closer to achieving their business goals.

Website Optimization

Look at your company website as a salesperson. Here’s how you can optimize your website and use it to convert visitors into leads.

1. Optimize for on-page SEO

SEO might not directly generate leads but it plays a pivotal role in impacting your website’s visibility on the search results page, thereby attracting traffic.

Hence, it’s important to optimize your website content for on-page SEO which means ranking for the right keywords basis user intent, crafting SEO-friendly headlines, strategically inserting external and internal links and ensuring your website is mobile-friendly.

2. Audit existing content

Most marketers tend to create content and consider their work done without realizing that SEO guidelines, buyer personas, and brand strategy are constantly evolving and it’s important to keep evaluating and refreshing your existing content to ensure it’s in line with your lead generation efforts.

Content audits involve a thorough investigation of how your content assets are performing, assessing gaps, updating content and ensuring you offer content for all stages of the buyer’s journey for lead generation.

3. Mobile responsive website

The fact that 60% of online searches come from mobile devices is reason enough for businesses to design mobile responsive websites and generate more leads.

Responsive design is one that adapts to the user’s device – be it a laptop, smartphone or tablet. This leads to a smooth experience, allowing users to navigate your website with ease.


Wondering how your website fares? Take the Mobile-Friendly Test to understand better.

4. Discover new keyword opportunities

Doing in-depth keyword research and finding new keyword opportunities will help you attract the right traffic to your website.

Always focus on long-tail keywords (eg. lead generation agency in Singapore) rather than short-tail ones (eg. lead generation agency) because the former is more focused and low on competition which means they tend to attract visitors with high search intent.

You can use tools such as Ahrefs and Google’s Keyword Planner tool to uncover keywords.

Other places to look for long-tail keywords are the ‘People also ask’ and ‘Searches related to’ section on Google’s search results page.

5. Uncover competitor’s keywords

It’s always a good idea to keep an eye on the keywords your competitors are ranking for – that way you can optimize your website for the same.

Once you’ve identified your top competitors, use a tool like Ahrefs to check the keywords they’re getting traffic from and also inspect their backlink profile to see which websites are linking to them.

This is a good way to uncover guest posting or backlinking opportunities for your website and keep up with the competition.

6. Create landing pages

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Having a dedicated landing page for capturing leads is more effective than having users just ‘stumble’ upon a call-to-action button or a lead generation form on your website.

A lead generation landing page is devoid of distractions and gives you ample scope to convince the visitor to fill the form. Make sure you use compelling copy that clearly demonstrates the value or benefit to the reader and visually appealing images that attract attention.

It’s also advisable to leverage social proof in the form of testimonials and reviews that would help convince the visitor to convert into a lead.

7. Insert clear and prominent call-to-action buttons

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The call-to-action button is one of the most crucial elements on a lead form because it’s the final, deciding factor on whether you were successful in convincing the reader to become a lead.

The call-to-action button needs to be well-designed and strategically placed such that it stands out and attracts clicks. Make sure you use striking colors that are contrasting to the background.

Apart from the design, it’s important to use a strong, action-oriented copy that is in line with your landing page copy and persuades the user to click.

8. Fix broken pages

Imagine clicking on a link only to be met with a 404 page. Frustrating, isn’t it?

Having broken links and 404 pages on your website has a negative impact on user experience and SEO, thereby hurting your chances of generating leads.

You can use Google Analytics to identify broken pages, set up redirects and fix them. Make this an ongoing practice to ensure every link on your website is working properly.

9. Exit-intent popup

It’s interesting to note that 99% of first-time website visitors don’t intend to make a purchase – they are generally focused on searching for information.

This is why it’s important to engage them at this stage before they leave without filling a lead form or taking the desired action.

Here’s where exit-intent popups can prove to be effective. These popups work on exit-intent technology and appear when a user is about to leave your website. They help capture the visitors’ attention and convert them into leads.


You can use a tool such as Hello Bar to create exit-intent popups.

10. Delay popups

You don’t want a website visitor to be met with a popup as soon as they arrive on your page – that’s just annoying and is likely to put them off.

How about displaying popups after they have spent a particular amount of time on your website?

Use Google Analytics to understand the average amount of time people spend on your website or specific webpages. This will help you decide the appropriate popup timing – it needs to be before they leave and right after they would have derived value from your website (when their interest is at its peak).

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You can then display the delay popup with the right offer that would entice them to take action.

11. Display relevant offers based on user interests

The secret to a high-converting popup is a relevant and valuable offer that the user cannot help but click. One of the ways to ensure this is by tailoring the popup to match the content of the page it shows up on.

Some enticing offers you can display on popups include a content upgrade (eBook, white paper, checklist, etc.), free demo, discount, value-added service (eg. free shipping) or anything else that would be of value to your target audience.

Irrespective of the offer, make sure you give them the choice to close the popup window if they need to.

12. Install popups where you lose users

Another advanced way to generate leads from your website is to install popups where you lose users. Access the User Flow report on Google Analytics and identify the pages that have the maximum drop-offs (parts highlighted in red, below).

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You can then use Hello Bar to install popups in these pages, displaying the relevant offers that would help increase conversions.

13. Install popups on pages with high exit rates and bounce rates

Exit rate refers to the percentage of users who visited some pages and then left your website from that page and the bounce rate is the percentage of users who landed on that page and left your website without visiting any other pages.

On Google Analytics, go to Behavior > Site Content > All Pages to evaluate pages with high exit and bounce rates.

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These are the pages where it makes sense to install popups (with an enticing offer) and compel visitors to stay on the website.

14. Use live chat

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Live chats can prove to be an effective lead generation tool because they offer real-time assistance, personalized experience and contribute to seamless customer service which can accelerate your lead generation efforts.

That’s not all, you can also analyze live chat conversations to understand user behavior, identify gaps and use this information to make improvements.

15. Build a chatbot

Chatbots are another form of conversational marketing and no, they are not the same as live chats. Chatbots are computerized programs whereas live chats involve speaking to an actual person.

Chatbots are also effective in lead generation as they help engage leads and present prospects with information/answers that would help them go down the sales funnel.

16. Perform adaptive testing

Move over A/B testing, enter adaptive testing. Adaptive testing involves testing multiple new variations of an asset while optimizing them basis their performance. This delivers quicker results and improves conversion rates in the process.

17. Showcase reviews and testimonials

92% of consumers read at least one review before making a purchase, proving how influential and powerful social proof can be.

Leveraging reviews, testimonials and other types of social proof from customers and industry experts is an effective way to instill trust and convince prospects to consider your product or service.

You can showcase reviews and testimonials on the lead generating landing page, homepage or your ‘About Us’ page.

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18. Ask for Google and Facebook reviews through automated emails

It’s a good practice to gather as many Google and Facebook reviews as it helps drive traffic to your website, build credibility and increase sales. Instead of manually asking customers for a review, you can use HubSpot workflows and automate the process.

So, every time a customer uses or purchases a product or service of yours, an automated email can be sent to them, asking them to drop a review.

19. Insert opt-in forms in prominent spots across your website

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To boost conversions, you need to insert opt-in forms in prominent spots across your website where they will get noticed and attract clicks.

Let’s say you’ve created a blog subscription opt-in form. You should insert that on your blog page, in your content, About page, Contact page, header, and sidebar.

Apart from the placement of opt-in forms, it’s also a good idea to go for double opt-in forms which involve two steps before the customer becomes a lead. This ensures a more engaged and better quality lead list because the fact that they completed both the steps assures you that they’re genuinely interested.

20. Website push notifications

Website push notifications serve as instant reminders that keep the communication intact and encourage users to return to your website and hopefully convert.

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However, it’s always advisable to ask for permission before sending people unsolicited push notifications. Once you have their consent, you can track their user behavior, send them relevant notifications and drive quality leads.

21. Acquire more backlinks

Backlinks are one of the most important ranking factors. The more backlinks you acquire from high-quality sites, the more relevant traffic you’re able to attract to your website.

You can build backlinks through guest blogging, participating in forums (Quora, Reddit, etc.), reaching out to journalists and influencers and reporting and replacing broken links with links to your website.

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Email Marketing

Email is the most personalized form of communication and needs to be used to generate leads, engage prospects and build long-term relationships. Here’s how you can use email marketing to generate leads.

22. Send email newsletters

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If you haven’t harnessed the potential of email marketing, you’re missing out on a huge opportunity to communicate with your leads and build long-term relationships.

Sending regular email newsletters to your database is an effective lead generation strategy because it lets you engage your target audience, nurture leads and increase conversions.

23. Segment emails according to behavior

Email marketing does not mean resorting to sending mass emails. You need to send relevant content because every subscriber is different.

This is why email list segmentation is so important. It involves breaking down your email list and segmenting subscribers as per their behavior, demographics, geography and lead source.

How does this help? It increases open rates, engagement and lets you build a more loyal customer base.

24. Automate the process

Email automation is a must – not only do you save time, but you also ensure the right email is delivered to the right audience at the right time which boosts your lead nurturing efforts.

With tools like  HubSpot, you can create workflows with clearly defined goals and set up email campaigns that need to be sent to the respective leads who meet the trigger criteria.

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There are also other tools such as Salesforce Pardot’s Engagement Journey, Eloqua’s Campaign Canvas to build out dynamic automated email engagement campaigns. If you use Salesforce or Pardot, check out our recent article on setting up your Salesforce sales pipeline.

25. Offer value

The only way to make your email marketing effective is by constantly delivering value because believe it or not, you’re fighting for attention in every user’s inbox. You need to give them a reason to open your email and consider your brand.

Delivering value starts with knowing your target audience and which stage they’re at to be able to offer solutions that would be of interest to them.

So, whether it’s sending them informative content (eBooks, white papers, case studies, etc.), value added offers or asking for feedback – you should always focus on maximizing value.

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26. Personalize emails

Personalized emails are essential because they make your leads feel more valued. However, email personalization goes beyond using the subscriber’s name in the subject line – it’s essentially about sending targeted emails that would be of interest to your buyer personas and humanizing the communication.

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27. Link to a landing page

You’ve built a lead generating landing page – now, you need to find ways to promote it and increase conversions.

Why not leverage emails to generate and nurture leads? Insert a link to the lead generating landing page on the email and direct people to the page, fill the form and go further down the sales funnel.

28. Account-Based Marketing 

Account-based marketing is about identifying target accounts and running personalized email campaigns to offer relevant content that would appeal to them and result in higher chances of conversion.

What’s important is doing extensive research on the target accounts, collecting data, understanding their needs and pain points which will help you put together personalized content that would address their specific challenges and offer solutions.

Apart from sending targeted emails, you can also follow them on social media and interact with them there. You can use a tool such as Leadbook find your target audience, create personalized content and build the campaign workflow.


29. Use IP address mapping to find out which company has visited your website, then find your prospect and email them

There is nothing more frustrating than anonymous visitors who leave your website without a trace. At such times, it helps to track IP addresses to uncover anonymous prospects and get insights on their website behavior.

You can then use this valuable piece of information to reach out to them with a personalized offer through email or even get your sales representative to give them a call.

Here’s what an IP report looks like.

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Content Marketing

When it comes to acquiring leads, nothing beats high quality and valuable content. From educating prospects to offering solutions and building trust – brands need to create compelling content for every stage of the buyer’s journey.

Here are content marketing tactics to help you generate B2B leads.

30. Blog consistently

Blogs help drive traffic, generate leads, strengthen reputation and build authority. However, merely having a blog is not enough. In order to cultivate long-term relationships and keep the engagement alive, you need to blog consistently.

Use your blog to offer value, convert readers into subscribers and initiate discussions. It’s a good idea to maintain an editorial calendar and ensure you’re posting frequently.

31. Build pillar pages

Pillar pages are comprehensive pieces of content that broadly cover a particular topic or concept. It gives you the opportunity to link to other relevant pieces of content on your website (topic clusters).

Building pillar pages as part of your content marketing strategy organizes your website content, improves SEO, drives traffic and helps you convert them into leads.

Here’s an example of a pillar page.

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32. Create the right offer

At the heart of an effective lead generation strategy lies quality content or offers that will help move your prospects through the sales funnel.

So, start with understanding your buyer personas, identifying their pain points and creating the right offer that would be suitable for every stage of the buyer’s journey.

For instance, at the Awareness stage when the prospect is looking for information, it would help to offer educational content in the form of eBooks and white papers.

Similarly, at the Consideration stage when prospects are actively seeking solutions, presenting them with content that demonstrates your product/service poses the best solution would help them consider your brand.

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Source: HubSpot


33. Publish an eBook

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Creating eBooks might be time-consuming but they offer incredible value which can help you connect with your target audience and generate quality leads.

The first step is identifying a broad topic that is relevant to your prospects and will be of interest to them. You can also refer to Google Analytics to take cues from your top-performing posts or use a tool like BuzzSumo to search for trending topics.

Once you’re done writing and designing the eBook, you need to create an optimized landing page that will demonstrate the value readers can derive from your eBook while encouraging them to download it.

34. Create infographics

As per a report, 42% of marketers reported that infographics were the most engaging piece of content.

They play an active role in converting visitors into leads owing to their attention-grabbing format and ability to deliver complex information in a visually-appealing manner.

So, make it a point to create infographics and use them in your emails, blogs, social media channels, and other marketing collaterals.

35. Create interactive infographics

If you have a lot to say and are wondering how you can capture and hold people’s attention, interactive infographics might just be the answer.

From using animated elements to scrolling and deciding how you want to view the data – these infographics are high on interactivity and enable you to communicate a lot more data in minutes.

You can use tools such as Canva and Displayr to create interactive infographics.

Here’s an example

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36. Launch a podcast

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Podcasts are easy to digest and let you strike a deeper connection with your audience as they are an immersive form of storytelling.

What’s more, the podcasting space is not as cluttered as other content formats such as blogging, social media, video marketing, etc. Hence, launching a podcast channel for your business is likely to give you a competitive advantage too.

Use podcasts to deliver value, reach out to new people, build authority and network with influential people in your industry. All of this will help you drive traffic to your website and generate leads.

37. Host a webinar

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Webinars are known to generate high-quality leads because the fact that people took the effort to participate in it demonstrates that they are likely to be more interested in your product or service.

So, find compelling topics ideas that would have takers, create a captivating presentation, and promote the webinar to maximize registrations. It’s also a good idea to partner with influencers or experts to reach more people and attract attendees.


38. Write white papers

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A white paper is an “authoritative report” that is meant to educate, address pain points and offer solutions. Publishing high-quality white papers is a great way to establish authority, offer value and generate leads in the process.

Just like other forms of content, it’s imperative to choose a topic that would be of interest to your audience and promote it across your channels to maximize traffic and lead generation.


39. Use content upgrades in blog posts

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Content upgrades are offering readers/website visitors exclusive access to certain pieces of content in exchange for their email address. Look at them as a means of offering additional value.

Some examples of content upgrades include checklists, templates, PDFs, audio files and cheat sheets among others.

While adding content upgrades to your blog post, make sure they’re relevant, offer value and expand upon what your post is talking about. Remember to highlight the exclusivity of it in order to attract clicks.

40. Offer free trials or demos

Who doesn’t love a free trial or demo?

Offering free trials gives your prospects an idea about what your product/service entails, making it easier to convert them. Create a sense of urgency and provide value such that they take the desired action after their trial period ends.

41. Publish a case study

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Another lead generation tactic that can prove to be influential is publishing case studies. They help reiterate the value you offer while enabling prospects to instill trust in your brand.

Look at it as writing a story – it needs to establish context, highlight a challenge, offer the solution, and the impact created backed with ample data and evidence.

42. Offer a referral program

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Even today, word-of-mouth or referral marketing is one of the most powerful marketing tools. A prospect is more likely to consider your brand if they’ve heard positive experiences from a peer.

Don’t wait to get referred – launch a referral program to actively encourage existing customers to spread the good word about your company. Make it easy for people to refer you and motivate them by offering a valuable incentive in return.

Automate the referral process for greater efficiency, increased leads and better tracking.

43. Use video marketing

Considering that video is one of the most popular content formats, it would be a crime to not mention it here.

From creating educational video content to spread awareness to creating gated video content and including them in lead generating landing pages to captivate users – video marketing holds immense potential to generate leads.

44. Create an online course

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Online courses are an effective lead magnet because they promise to deliver extra and additional information to people who are interested in your topic of expertise and are actively looking for answers.

45. Guest blogging

Guest blogging is when you write articles for another high-quality website or blog that speaks to a similar target audience. This inbound marketing tool lets you create awareness, acquire backlinks, reach new prospects, and establish your business as an expert.

For example, Marcus Ho, founder of Brew Interactive regularly guest blogs for leading digital marketing websites such as Search Engine Journal and Social Media Examiner.

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46. Build a microsite

A microsite is a mini-website that serves a specific purpose. It’s built around certain keywords and is a useful tactic for targeting a specific audience.

You can generate leads through a microsite by including a lead generating form and offering a distraction-free, focussed experience to maximize conversions.

47. Answer questions on Quora and Reddit

Users on forums such as Quora and Reddit are actively looking for solutions. Here’s your chance to answer questions and deliver value by subtly plugging in your product or service.

Remember – your answers should not appear spammy. This strategy will only be effective if you post informative, in-depth answers that would compel people to visit your website.

48. Launch an app

Considering that most of the browsing happens on mobile devices, it makes absolute sense to launch an app.

You can have people sign up and leave their details to download the app. Once they’ve downloaded it, you can leverage it to deliver useful content and nurture leads.

49. Create a SlideShare presentation

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SlideShare lets you upload informative content that you can choose to share with limited amount of people. It’s interesting to note that this platform is owned by LinkedIn and frequented by B2B users, making it a useful lead generating tool.

How do you collect leads? You can insert lead capture forms in the slides to obtain information and insert enticing call-to-action that would direct users to your website.

50. Publish article using your LinkedIn profile

Publishing insightful articles help position your brand as an expert – and LinkedIn lets you achieve that without leaving the platform.

When you publish an article on LinkedIn, you get increased exposure to a wider audience and drive traffic to your website.

51. Use interactive quizzes

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Let’s face it – with depleting attention spans, it’s becoming all the more important to create different kinds of new and interactive content that will capture your audience’s attention and compel them to take action.

One such content format is quizzes – they’re personalized, interactive, fun and easy to create. You can use a tool such as Survey Anyplace to create an interactive quiz.

That’s not all, once your quiz is up and active, you can follow up with the leads you generate from the quiz and provide them with valuable information that would help them convert.

52. Comment on other relevant blogs

Commenting on other relevant blogs (when done in a legitimate manner) can help generate quality leads. By legitimate we mean, leaving valuable comments on relevant articles as opposed to doing it for the sake of link building.

When you truly drop a genuine, contextual comment, potential leads are more likely to take note which attracts relevant traffic back to your website.

53. Get interviewed on other podcasts and blogs

In order to acquire new leads, you need to constantly expand your network and reach new audiences. Getting interviewed on other podcasts and blogs that speak to a similar target audience as yours is a great way of increasing exposure and establishing authority to be able to drive quality leads.

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Online Advertising 

Running paid advertising campaigns lets you get your brand in front of the right prospects and drive traffic to your website. Here are the online advertising formats you can use to generate leads.

54. Google AdWords

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AdWords is Google’s advertising service in which advertisers bid on relevant keywords for their ads to appear in Google’s search results.

Google AdWords is one of the most effective lead generation tools because it lets you target users with high search intent, enabling you to drive relevant traffic to your website and generate more qualified leads.

55. Display

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While search ads appear in Google’s search results page, running a lead generation ad on Google Display Network (GDN) lets you showcase your ad across a network of 2 million websites and over 650,000 apps that are frequented by your target audience.

The idea behind this ad format is to get your product or service noticed while being part of the user’s journey without intruding.

The biggest reason to consider running lead generating ads on GDN is the vast variety of targeting options this format offers, letting you reach the right prospect on the right websites.

56. YouTube

YouTube is the second most popular search engine, making it an essential part of your lead generating strategy.

This platform has a wide reach and lets you target users based on demographics, location, and interests. You can leverage various ad formats such as bumper, skippable and non-skippable ads to get your message across and attract leads.

You can also use YouTube Form Ads to create sign-up forms (that appear right below the video) and capture lead information.

57. Facebook

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Facebook is an excellent platform for B2B advertising because contrary to what you think, business decision-makers do spend a good amount of time there.

Owing to its smart targeting options, Facebook gives you the opportunity to target your ideal audience with personalized, relevant content and supercharge your conversion rates.

58. LinkedIn

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It’s a well-known fact that LinkedIn is a B2B powerhouse because it lets you reach those who directly matter to your business – the decision-makers.

This platform offers various ad products such as Lead Gen Forms, Sponsored InMail, Sponsored Content, and LinkedIn Text Ads, enabling you to target a highly specific audience and generate quality leads.

59. Programmatic

When one talks about generating leads, rarely does Programmatic advertising come to mind. It might seem intimidating but the truth is, this tool can help you acquire high-quality leads at optimized costs.

Programmatic advertising uses real-time data which lets advertisers deliver more personalized ads to their prospects who are most likely to convert. Precise targeting, real-time reporting, and cost efficiency, giving you all the reasons to include it in your marketing strategy.

60. Explore other ad networks

While Facebook and Google can help you drive traffic to your website and generate leads, they are expensive mediums and highly competitive.

Why not look beyond these two platforms and explore other ad networks that are flexible, cheaper and will help you reach new audiences. You might consider checking out WeChat as well – especially if you’re marketing in China. WeChat’s user base continues to grow each year.

61. Advertise to your lateral audience

As a B2B marketer, you need to keep thinking of new, innovative ways to widen your reach and expand your audience.

One such way is to advertise to your lateral audience which means advertising on mediums wherein you’re targeting prospects who are most likely to be your customers regardless of their demographics, income, etc.

For example, if you’re looking to target CTOs. Instead of targeting them only via online advertising channels, you can also advertise in airport lounges (considering CTOs are frequent travelers and would spend time at lounges). This gives you access to a wider audience which might also include CTOs.

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Social Media

Organic social media traffic is a valuable traffic generator because it consists of people who take a genuine interest in your brand and are actively considering it. Here’s how you can effectively capture leads from organic social media traffic.

62. Build your following

Building a strong presence on social media is a must for businesses across all sizes and industries. You must leverage this powerful medium to create awareness, connect with your audience, generate leads, boost sales and improve customer experience.

What’s more, it’s interesting to note that 57% of people are more likely to buy from a brand that they follow on social media, proving that organic social media traffic has the potential to capture leads.

So, keep sharing authentic and relevant content to appeal to your target audience and build a community of engaged and loyal followers.

63. Promote gated content

Any piece of content that requires users to share their contact information to access it is referred to as gated content. You can share links to gated content on your social media channels and encourage followers to click on it.

This is one of the most effective ways to drive people to the lead generating landing page and convert them into leads.

Some examples of gated content you can create include eBooks, white papers, infographics, videos and case studies among others.

Regardless of the content format, be sure to make it insightful and valuable enough for people to share their details and click ‘download’.

64. Position yourself as a thought leader on Twitter

Building thought leadership via content is one of the key components of B2B marketing strategy, and plays a pivotal role in driving leads and sales.

Thought leadership is all about sharing informative content and educating prospective buyers. Look at it as a means to deliver valuable insights, address challenges and offer solutions rather than making it sound like a sales pitch.

A platform like Twitter gives you ample opportunity to position yourself as a thought leader. Take to it to share original content, connect with other influencers and thought leaders in your industry and engage in conversations related to your expertise.

65. Connect and engage with prospects on LinkedIn

Apart from leveraging the various paid tools that LinkedIn offers, let’s not forget that you can also use this platform to run outreach campaigns and acquire organic leads.

One way to do this is by adding the LinkedIn Insight tag on your website which tracks your website visitors. Filter this data by ‘Company’, understand where exactly your visitors are coming from and reach out to those prospects directly via LinkedIn.

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66. Engage with social media influencers

Who said influencer marketing is only for B2C brands?

With 90% of business decision-makers relying on peer recommendations and opinions from industry experts, influencer marketing holds equal potential (if not more) for B2B brands.

Use B2B influencer marketing to collaborate with relevant thought leaders and industry experts to create content that educates and engages your target audience. Not only does this build trust and credibility, but it also lets you expand your reach and present prospects with the right kind of information that would help them move down the sales funnel.

From publishing expert interviews and hosting offline events to co-creating content and leveraging employees – there are various ways to use influencer marketing for B2B marketing.

pasted image 0 (8)-4The Sophisticated Marketer’s Guide to LinkedIn which features expert interviews

67. Participate in relevant LinkedIn and Facebook groups

LinkedIn and Facebook groups are great places to network, connect with prospects and industry experts, exchange value and offer solutions. You never know how these meaningful interactions can give rise to leads and sow the seeds of a long-term relationship.

Join the relevant groups that are related to your industry or area of expertise. You can type the keywords in the search bar and filter by ‘Groups’.

Once you’ve joined, make it a point to participate in discussions and offer value through your answers. You can also share useful articles that would be of interest to the group members.

The key to making this tactic work is being an active member, driving conversations and using these platforms to establish authority.

68. Optimize your business pages to attract leads

You have a business page on social media channels but how optimized are they to attract leads?

Whether it’s Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter – it’s important to complete every field because you want your company profiles or page to inform prospects what your company is about.

So, add a profile picture, cover image, fill in the company description, contact details and add a call-to-action button that directs users to the lead generating landing page.

69. Use Facebook custom tabs

You might have noticed default tabs such as ‘About’ and ‘Likes’ on business pages but did you know that Facebook lets you create custom tabs too?

B2B brands can use custom tabs to include lead generation forms, showcase offers, promote an upcoming event or encourage blog subscriptions.

The idea behind custom tabs is to effectively capture attention and direct users to a specific page.

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70. Encourage user-generated content

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Adobe’s UGC campaign wherein they show how users are using the software 

Any piece of content, voluntarily created by users is referred to as user-generated content. It’s an effective form of social proof that holds immense power in influencing purchase decisions and driving businesses.

Leveraging user-generated content helps brands create awareness, connect with their audience and increase trust, thereby attracting leads and generating conversions.

B2B brands can run social media contests to encourage user-generated content, display customer testimonials and success stories on their website, collaborate with influencers and thought leaders to create content and even leverage employees as brand advocates on social media.

71. Run contests

Don’t take social media contests lightly – when done well, they can help B2B companies acquire leads, increase engagement, grow their social media following and increase awareness.

Contests work because they are fun and quick. Make sure you have a clear goal in mind, offer a valuable and relevant prize and keep it simple.

In order to maximize takers, you need to promote your contest on your website, email newsletters and social media channels.

72. Optimize social media listening

Are you keeping track of brand mentions and conversations surrounding your product or service on social media? If not, you are missing out on a huge opportunity.

Social media listening is very important because it lets you understand what your audience wants, derive valuable insights, engage prospects, and delight customers. That’s not all, investing in the right social media listening tools also lets you keep track of competition and uncover opportunities.

So, make social media listening a priority because if you don’t listen to your audience, how will you give them what they want?

Some tools you can use are Hootsuite, Buffer, Sprout Social, BuzzSumo, Brandwatch and Mention.

73. Leverage Twitter advanced search

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Twitter is a great platform for building relationships and making conversations but did you know that it can also help you generate quality leads?

Twitter Advanced Search lets you narrow down to exactly what you’re looking for and initiate meaningful conversations with relevant people beyond your network.

Once you have identified your target prospects, you can initiate personalized communication which is far more effective than a generic and ‘salesy’ tweet or direct message.

74. Use relevant hashtags

Irrespective of your industry, hashtags are an important social media marketing element. They boost visibility and drive engagement. As per a report, tweets with hashtags receive twice the engagement than those without.

Start with making a list of hashtags that are relevant to your industry and use them in your tweets, LinkedIn and Instagram posts while initiating or joining conversations.

You should also keep a check on trending hashtags and leverage them to boost the visibility of what you have to say. When you do this, do make sure your post adds value and is relevant to the trending hashtag.

Another great idea is creating branded hashtags that include your company or product’s name and using it in your communication to reinstate what your brand offers.

75. Participate in Twitter chats

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Twitter chats are discussions on Twitter based on a particular topic. Look at them as networking events that can help you connect with new prospects, make connections and showcase your (or your company’s) expertise.

Keep track of Twitter chats taking place that are relevant to your product or industry. Tools such as Twubs and Tweet Reports will give you access to the comprehensive list of Twitter chats (and their schedules).

These chats happen at a predetermined time so it’s about ensuring you take to Twitter at that time and actively contribute to the chat. Apart from participating in these chats, you can also host or sponsor chats to promote your brand.

76. Use LinkedIn Sales Navigator

LinkedIn Sales Navigator is a social selling platform that lets businesses find the right prospects and engage with them, owing to its advanced filter feature.

With over 20 filter options, this paid tool lets you reach out to key accounts, keep a check on their activity and also find similar prospects. You also get to find the right point of contact or key decision-maker in a particular company, save your searches and send them InMails.

LinkedIn Sales Navigator offers valuable insights to help you reach out to targeted leads and saves you ample time in the process.

77. Offer advice on clarity.fm

Clarity.fm is a marketplace that connects individuals seeking answers with experts.

Apply to become an expert and use the platform to offer useful advice, establish credibility, make connections and acquire leads.

The fact that entrepreneurs and other decision-makers are actively looking for answers on Clarity.fm makes them prospects with high intent. So, be responsive and leverage this platform to offer solutions and make meaningful connections.

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We are so focussed on online marketing strategies that we forget that there still are a few offline lead generation tactics that are relevant and effective (when done smartly) until today.

78. Cold calling

Contrary to what people think, cold calling is not dead. It still is one of the best ways to reach out to a prospect but it’s important to note that it certainly has evolved.

From using a personalized script to offering value and doing more research – one needs to approach cold calling smartly for it to be effective and not annoying.

Unlike earlier when sales representatives were expected to make (unproductive) cold calls to just about anyone who was perceived to be interested, cold calling today needs to be more focussed and targeted.

There needs to be an alignment between the sales and marketing teams such that the marketing team generates warm prospects and hands them to the sales team who can then make cold calls with a more personalized offer.

Don’t just rely on cold calling – make it a part of your multi-channel marketing strategy in conjunction with email and social media marketing.

79. Sponsor events

Events bring together like-minded people under one roof. Sponsoring relevant events that attract your target audience is a great way to boost visibility, create awareness and generate leads.

Sponsoring events is more than just displaying a branded banner at the event. Use this opportunity to get your hands on the attendee list (along with their contact information) – these are the prospects you can reach out to post the event.

Another good idea is to set up activations and create unique experiences that generate interest and demonstrate what your brand is about.

80. Host seminars

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When Brew Interactive hosted the HubSpot User Group event on ‘Advanced Lead Generation Strategies’

Hosting a valuable and informative seminar can really help you engage prospects, generate leads and position your brand as an expert.

Yes, it takes time and work to host a seminar, promote it and manage attendees but it does enable you to expand your reach and put your brand on the forefront.

What’s important is putting together an engaging and interactive session and making enough noise about it through email newsletters, social media, and your company blog to maximize attendance.

Design a landing page with a sign-up form that allows you to capture the details of the attendees. You can then use this information to keep them updated and send them timely reminders before the event.

Even after the seminar ends, keep the communication going to keep the relationship alive.

81. Attend networking events

If you don’t have the time or budget to host or sponsor events, do make it a point to attend networking events.

Try and find out the companies attending the event so you can do your homework and shortlist the people or companies you want to talk to.

Don’t expect every conversation to end in a sale – use this medium to make connections, share contact details and network extensively.

It’s a good idea to know what you want to achieve from the event and put together a few pointers on yourself and your company/product/service so you’re better prepared.

82. Hire a lead generation agency

Lead generation is complicated and intimidating – we agree. Being a critical element of B2B business growth, it requires meticulous planning, time and effort.

So, if you don’t have the know-how or experience in generating quality leads, you should consider hiring a lead generation agency before it starts impacting your business.

Getting a lead generation agency on board will give you access to the experts in the field, helping you shorten the sales cycle and achieve positive results.

83. Print marketing material

Yes, it’s the digital age but that does not mean offline tactics have become obsolete.

One such tactic that generates curiosity, sparks interest and creates brand awareness is printing marketing material. This tangible media is long-lasting and has more recall value.

From brochures and catalogs to business cards and banners – print marketing material to appeal to your target audience.

It’s also advisable to connect your print material to your digital presence by adding a link to your website or a QR code, in case people want further information.

84. Connect with conference organizers and speak at their events

Speaking engagements give you the opportunity to establish authority, network and connect with your target audience. So, why not make the most of them to generate quality leads?

Don’t wait to be approached – there is no harm in finding out which events are taking place, reaching out to the organizers and pitching yourself as a speaker

Once you’ve got the green flag, work on a compelling and insightful presentation that would be of interest to the event attendees. It’s a good idea to end it with a call-to-action that urges attendees to visit your website and download a content offer.

Before the conference, make sure you promote it across your channels and ask to be included in the conference collaterals.

During the conference, make sure you’re present until the end of the event. Use this space to network and make valuable connections.

85. Run an SMS/Whatsapp campaign

Let’s not forget one of the quickest and cost-effective mediums to reach prospects – SMS, WhatsApp or other mobile messaging apps.

SMS marketing boasts of a 98% open rate, making it a must-have in your marketing arsenal. It has a wide reach, is mobile-friendly and can be easily integrated with other forms of marketing (email, social media, etc.)

From sending personalized offers and solutions to event reminders and links to relevant, downloadable content – brands should use SMS marketing to engage their leads and push them further down the sales funnel.

86. Partner up

Investing in strategic partnerships with companies that speak to a similar target audience is a great way to leverage each other’s strengths, and use it to scale your business.

The key to a successful partnership is having mutual goals, being transparent and practicing effective communication.

As partners, you can co-host events, create valuable content together or even promote each other’s products.

87. Direct mail

Let’s face it – mail is personal and can help your brand stand out in front of your target audience.

Don’t just send a direct mail as a standalone strategy – make it a part of your multi-channel marketing strategy.

Direct mail is effective when you have a small number of accounts you want to target or if you want to demonstrate what your product offers. It’s a good idea to take cues from your buyer personas and understand the accounts direct mails will appeal to.

Make sure you offer value, include a strong call-to-action with the direct mail and insert a link to a landing page they can be directed to for additional information.

88. Hire an affiliate marketing agency to help you find new partners

Affiliate marketing is the process of promoting another brand on one’s website and earning a commission for every lead or sale generated through the affiliate’s marketing efforts.

An affiliate marketing agency does the job of connecting your brand with affiliate partners. Hiring such an agency enables you to leverage their connections, expertise, and tools to find relevant, affiliate partners that can help you expand your business’ reach and generate leads.

Make sure you assess their past work, existing connections and are familiar with an affiliate network that can help you achieve your business goals.

89. Appear in the press

Getting covered by the press is a type of earned media that builds credibility and boosts awareness in a cost-effective manner, leading to an increase in leads and conversions.

Actively reach out to relevant publications (that speak to a similar target audience) and send them a compelling pitch. You can have them cover your company or pitch an interview with the company spokesperson.

The idea is to craft a compelling story that gets accepted by the journalist.

PR is all about relationships – so ensure you keep in touch with the journalists, interact with them on social media and invite them to events you host.

You can also use HARO to monitor source request from journalists and offer a pitch that’s relevant to your company/product and meets their requirements.

90. Use your name card

It’s always advisable to have a stack of business cards handy when you attend meetings and events.

Don’t just display your name, email and phone number on your business card – include a (short) link to your website or a specific landing page that has a valuable piece of content to offer. That way, even if your business card is kept away, there are chances of the prospects visiting your website and taking the desired action.

91. Use voicemails

Voicemails don’t have to be boring and dull. Why not infuse value in your voicemails to appeal to prospects and connect with them?

Instead of just asking them for a callback, give them a reason to call you back by addressing some pain points of theirs.

Avoid being pushy and follow the voicemail up with an email, letting them know you have left a voicemail and include a link to your website.

92. Leverage your email signature

Email is a core business communication tool and given the number of emails that are exchanged in a day, it makes absolute sense to leverage email signatures to offer readers valuable information (link to a case study, white paper, eBook or any other lead magnet) or spread awareness about a new launch or upcoming event.

You can also leave a link to your latest blog post or podcast episode to direct readers to a specific piece of content.

93. Follow up with lost businesses

It’s certainly frustrating to lose leads and miss out on sales opportunities but that does not mean you drop the ball on them.

Having an effective follow-up strategy in place can help you win back lost businesses. Start with analyzing what went wrong and what stage did you lose the business.

You can then send them an enticing, time-bound offer to win them back, send them a valuable piece of content, or ask for feedback to understand what went wrong.

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